NASA App Making Challenge

This year, Halsey JHS 157 is contributing to the NASA App Development Challenge for the first time, among many other schools. 11 hand-picked students have worked hard to help start drafting an application that will eventually send the first woman and person of color to the moon. Introducing the students mentioned above: Kelly Chan, Iris Hun Zheng, Susan Hong, Devyn Mchoney, Yoyo Chen, Samuel Pinkhasov, John Lee, Ellie Zhang, Tony Yang, Leann Huang, and Nada Ibrahim, supervised by Halsey’s STEM teacher, Mr. Lober.

This app-making challenge is composed of creating an app for NASA to use on the Artemis II mission. We are focused on landing locations for Artemis II on the Haworth region of the Lunar South Pole. Our objective is to scope the area so the Artemis II lands on safe terrain. In this challenge, we are using the Scratch program, Moon Trek, and multiple other NASA resources to develop a visualization for the astronauts to land safely in the region decided by NASA. We will continue to give updates and potential special events to showcase our work and demonstrate the apps` success.

For more information contact Mr. Lober at or go see him in room 333.