MP1 Grading Policy

MP1 Grading Policy

New York City report card grades have returned to following pre-pandemic guidelines. In other words, most students should receive numeric grades for MP1 report card scores in core content areas. SETSS, ESL Push-In and Pull-Out, and homeroom classes are graded on a Pass/Fail scale.

Please note that the NX grade code this year is no longer used in place of scores below 65. It can be, however, used when no grade could be calculated due to extenuating circumstances.

High student achievement for MP1 will be recognized with Gold and Silver Honor Roll. Students with an overall average of 92.01 or higher will achieve Gold Honor Roll. Students with an overall average between 85 and 92 will achieve Silver Honor Roll. The following criteria is also considered:

  • In order to qualify for either Honor Roll, a student may not have a grade lower than 80 in any subject area
  • In order to qualify for either Honor Roll, a student may not have a conduct grade of N or U in any subject area

For general grading policy information, please visit the following link: